Hi, my name’s Kousha I am an experienced senior software engineer with a strong skill set in technical analysis, system development, and problem-solving. I thrive independently and in teams, enjoy learning and sharing knowledge with colleagues, and excel at tackling complex challenges to deliver immediate value to your company.
■ Experiences (Architect & Develop)
Jul.2023 / DevOps & Infrastructure Developer
Jul.2022 / Jul.2023 / DevOps & Senior Software Engineer
Apr.2021 / May.2022 / DevOps & BackEnd Team Lead
Wingie Enuygun Group
Aug.2020 / Apr.2021 / Team Lead
Jun.2019 / Aug.2020 / Senior Software Engineer
Aug.2015 / Mar.2019 / Head of development
Sepehr Mahan Tech
Aug.2012 / Jul.2015 / Senior Software Engineer
- A Little More About Me
- Alongside my interests in software engineering
DevOps some of my other interests and hobbies are:
- Professional Chess Player
Rock Climbing - Running